Group of sober women in recovery

Don’t Risk Relapse!

Maintain Your Sobriety Long-Term.

Comprehensive Approach

The Relapse Prevention program takes a comprehensive approach to recovery by combining therapy with peer coaching. The program pairs each participant with a therapist who specializes in addiction treatment, as well as with a peer coach, who acts as a temporary sponsor. This combination of support and guidance helps participants develop a deeper understanding of their addiction and how to manage it in the long term.

Therapy is a key component of the program, as it helps individuals understand the underlying reasons for their addiction and develop strategies for coping with triggers and cravings. Through one-on-one counseling sessions, participants can work through their emotions and experiences in a safe and supportive environment. The therapist can also provide education about addiction and help participants develop the skills they need to manage their symptoms.

The peer coach, on the other hand, is someone who has gone through the recovery process themselves and can provide practical guidance and support. They can help participants understand the principles of recovery and provide guidance on how to implement them in their daily lives. The peer coach can also provide motivation and accountability, helping participants stay on track and avoid relapse. Together, therapy and peer coaching provide a powerful combination of support and guidance that can help individuals achieve and maintain long-term recovery.

If you’re interested in partnering with TSW as a therapist or peer coach, simply click the button below to learn more and fill out an application. We are always looking for qualified professionals to join our team and help make a difference in the lives of those struggling with addiction. Additionally, if you’re in need of financial assistance for therapy, please click the button below to apply for a grant and see if you qualify. We’re here to support you on your journey to recovery.

Woman online recovery meeting

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